Coffee flat white

Leaving Home


or: A Reflection On My Gap Year From Asia A few more days and I am on the move again. I’ll be going back to where this particular journey began – the bright lights, and now cold weather, of HK. […]



or: Where to Next? My Long Service Leave from Asia has been an enlightening experience in many ways. It has given me an opportunity to reflect on what I like about living in HK what I like about living elsewhere […]

Perfect World


or: Living in the Moment Helps to Avoid Packing I’ve just completed my final two dives in Mauritius with Dive Spirit Mauritius and will sit the exam for the Rescue Diver license tomorrow. Now it is time to study, sleep […]

People Are Strange


or: Smoking Areas Are An Interesting Spot to Meet People One of the 974 things I like about travel is meeting new people. Everyone has a story with some more willing to share theirs with random strangers than others. This […]

Left Alone


or: I’ve Finally Had A Pub Lunch – Alone It surprises me there’s some things that I’m still reluctant to do by myself. It’s not often (anymore) that I’m aware of it until I realise I’m putting off doing something […]

Danger Zone


or: How to avoid a hangover, Mauritian-style One of the 974 things I like about traveling is being able to experience the culture through local food and drink. I do it all in the name of research. Last night, I […]