Black Caffeine


or Coffee – One of Life’s Simple Pleasures One of the 974 I like about travel is sampling food and drink in its country of origin. I like to experience the difference between the original and the (likely) adapted version […]

Pedestrian at Best


It’s possible to determine how long someone has been in Japan based on what I will now refer to as “The Hello Kitty Index”. It’s a sliding scale based on apples. Apples because that’s how Hello Kitty‘s height and weight […]

Walking On A Dream


I’ve stumbled upon why Japan is referred to as The Land of the Rising Sun by accident. It’s taken me six months to have it staring me right in the face. Every morning. Today at 4.25am. First, some high-level history […]

I Held the Cool Breeze


I’m comfortably seated on a balcony chair in a ray of sunshine. It’s a stunning spring day with optimism riding on the cool breeze, rustling the leaves and seemingly infecting everyone it touches. People walking are smiling and in a […]



In stark contrast to the experiences found on the Random Rants post which gave me a good giggle and a reminder of how things are in Sydney (thanks Niall), I thought I’d give you a sneak peak to what happens in this […]

House of Cards


Starting the week with a public holiday sets the stage for a really good week.  It was to be the week where I was to open a bank account. I figured that would balance the week before ending with a […]

So Long, Farewell


After nine years (today) in Hong Kong, tomorrow I leave for Tokyo. I like the symmetry. It’s been great that my transition period has coincided with Christmas, New Years and general catch up times with friends as that has made […]



LKF after the Christmas Party One of the 974 things I like about Hong Kong; work Christmas Parties are always entertaining. Or the companies that I choose to work with host good parties. Perhaps this is one of my interview […]