Red Red Wine
or: Another Way To Eat Cheese with Wine One of the 974 things I like about travel is trying new food and trying food which I’m already familiar with in one way in a totally different way. This week has […]
or: Another Way To Eat Cheese with Wine One of the 974 things I like about travel is trying new food and trying food which I’m already familiar with in one way in a totally different way. This week has […]
Or: Scones – Cream or Jam First? The experiment is over. Scones with jam and cream or scones with cream and jam. Over the greater period of my life, I was blissfully unaware this could be quite a contentious issue. […]
or: I’ve Finally Had A Pub Lunch – Alone It surprises me there’s some things that I’m still reluctant to do by myself. It’s not often (anymore) that I’m aware of it until I realise I’m putting off doing something […]
or: It’s Christmas Night, So, What Now? Merry Christmas to all those celebrating the occasion. A lot of Christmas is about tradition: – over catering so Christmas can be remembered through leftovers for at least one week (though the 5.5kg […]
or – Is “Limited Edition” Just A Clever Marketing Ploy? Japan is the Land of Limited Edition Food. Not only are fruit and vegetables seasonal, so are KitKats, cakes, Haagen Daz ice cream, various chips / crisps, general candies / […]
Exhibit A I like to experiment and am usually open to new experiences as long as my safety is fairly assured. I’m generally willing to give most things a try at least once and possibly a second time if I’m […]
The past week has been filled with some new and unexpected experiences. The entire regional leadership team descended on Discovery Bay for strategy discussions, team building and bonding. Turns out I’m in a team that really excels at all of this, […]
The past two weeks have seen Mr Shallot and I complete a food, family and friends tour of the Eastern Seaboard of Australia. Landing in Sydney, driving to Canberra the following day, back to Sydney the day after, the Gold […]