Perfect Day


or: One of my Top 3 Camping Trips It’s been years since I’ve camped and early this week, my camping drought was broken. It was only for one night however it is easily one of the best camping trips I’ve […]

Lucky Me


or: Birthdays are a good reminder to thank all the brilliant people My Birthday Festival this year is another one that will be in my memory for a very long time. It was my first birthday in Mauritius and I […]

It’s a Small World


or Meeting Former Colleagues in Other Locations I am continually amazed and impressed with the world and my place in it. This photo has absolutely nothing to do with where I’ve been this week. It’s actually from El Nido and […]

Little Talks


It’s interesting what becomes ‘normal’. The exact time that normal officially changed was on my last trip back to Australia. As is fairly standard for a trip to Sydney, I spent considerable time with my Best Woman and it was […]



Yesterday marked my eighth year since arriving in Hong Kong. A lot has changed over what was initially a 2-3 year adventure / plan. In particular, a lot has changed in the last three years which roughly coincides with when […]