Harry Saves The Day
or: True Lies is a feel good movie It has been at least seven years and a few relocations since I last watched True Lies. I bought the DVD while living in Australia, took it to HK where it had […]
or: True Lies is a feel good movie It has been at least seven years and a few relocations since I last watched True Lies. I bought the DVD while living in Australia, took it to HK where it had […]
or: Looking for alternatives We may not be allowed to dive again until the end of April 2021. As with the predictability of most things relating to the lockdown, what’s allowed and not, and the timing of when activities will […]
or: Our second lockdown is nearly over As expected, the lockdown was extended. Unexpectedly, we were told two days before the first one was due to end. Prior to this instance, it was usually the day before when we were […]
or: When is it best to have a shower or eat a meal when you’re expecting a service provider? I thought I understood Island Time. I don’t. Under last week’s phase of the lockdown, we’ve been able to have a […]
or: Other shoes would have made this a bit more of an occasion I have just worn shoes for the first time since 19 March. They were flip flops so I’m using the term “shoes” very loosely. They were also […]
or: What day is it? It’s been a fairly non-eventful week and here we are again at Sunday. Lockdown days all blend together. There’s nothing to tell one day from the next except Sunday since that’s the day I write […]
or: Why losing track of time can be fantastic It’s been one of those weeks where I lost track of what day it was. That’s usually a sign of being very busy or doing something that I enjoy. The actual […]
or: The Speed of Time Various studies have shown that as we age, our perception of the pace of time passing increases. Yoiu may remember this yourself from the length of time it seemed to take to reach any special […]
Or: That Month Was Fast It’s been just over a month since I finished working in a corporate role. As with any milestone, I’m taking this opportunity to reflect on what I have learnt and observed over this period. In […]
There’s nothing more decadent than having time. Time to do anything I choose. This is where perspective comes into it. And perhaps some red wine, though it’s a little hot in HK for that at the moment. I will stick […]