Driving country

Driving In My Car


or: Today I Saw My First Car Accident In Mauritius Same as in most countries I’ve lived, driving in Mauritius is on the left-hand side of the road. It makes driving here for me a fraction easier than if it […]

Victoria Harbour Hong Kong

Another Town, Another Train


or: A Mistake is Possible Even With Great Public Transport       As expected, I’ve been visiting people, eating dim sum (and a few other things too) and returning to some of my favourite places around Hong Kong before […]

Last Train to Trancentral


London or: Three x First Eurostar Trip Learnings I learnt a few things about traveling on the Eurostar as a result of my first trip: Timing is everything.  Seat selection requires research. English Border Control happens in Paris straight after […]

The Way It Is


One of the 974 things I like about Hong Kong is the public transport. It is so incredibly reliable that if a train is delayed by more than five minutes, for whatever the reason, it makes the news. The Mass […]