Mauritius snacks with French people

Red Red Wine


or: Another Way To Eat Cheese with Wine One of the 974 things I like about travel is trying new food and trying food which I’m already familiar with in one way in a totally different way. This week has […]

Environmentally-friendly zip bags

On The Road Again


or: This Time I’m Packing Properly     It’s my last post from HK for a little while as I’m flying out again tomorrow night. It means I have to complete within the next few hours one of the tasks […]

Last Train to Trancentral


London or: Three x First Eurostar Trip Learnings I learnt a few things about traveling on the Eurostar as a result of my first trip: Timing is everything.  Seat selection requires research. English Border Control happens in Paris straight after […]

Left Alone


or: I’ve Finally Had A Pub Lunch – Alone It surprises me there’s some things that I’m still reluctant to do by myself. It’s not often (anymore) that I’m aware of it until I realise I’m putting off doing something […]

Dumb Things


or: It’s Always A Good Idea To Check Visa Requirements I’ve become complacent. Traveling on the number 6 best passport (for the curious, Germany and Singapore are first) has contributed to this. In most countries, I am able to wander […]

Danger Zone


or: How to avoid a hangover, Mauritian-style One of the 974 things I like about traveling is being able to experience the culture through local food and drink. I do it all in the name of research. Last night, I […]

Fine Time


or: Sport – the other international language Every afternoon, many of the men from the local village in Madagascar (where I am at the moment) gather for some serious business. They are not the village elders. They are a younger […]

Heat of the Moment


Or: The Great Packing Tragedy of 2017 As long-time readers may be aware (I’m assuming you’ve also been paying attention to what you’ve been reading and have remembered it), I am a fan of keeping things to a minimum, including […]

Black Caffeine


or Coffee – One of Life’s Simple Pleasures One of the 974 I like about travel is sampling food and drink in its country of origin. I like to experience the difference between the original and the (likely) adapted version […]